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Growing space

Writer: The Mindful Seasonalist The Mindful Seasonalist

Hello all..... I have news to share;

After a patient wait for my ‘perfect’ growing space, and in a place that I’ve come to treasure, I’m beyond delighted to be the present custodian of a small piece of earth; a growing space that I'll be leasing in order to grow flowers and create a garden.

Nestled in the grounds of Brinscall Hall, and home to @practicalphilosophynw it feels so aligned to my purpose.

Social and therapeutic horticulture has always been my passion; to grow, gather and share flowers, with all the wild remedy that they bring, is a vision I’ve held for so so so long.

I hope you’ll follow along for the journey; a slow paced process because that is how Nature evolves.

My dearest wish is that all those who love flowers will find me there, including the dearest bees, birds, bugs, butterflies, moths, scent searchers, pollen lovers, pollinators, nature dwellers, deep thinkers, peace makers, dreamers, storytellers, poets, truth seekers, and other like minded souls.

It is my wish that, together, we’ll create a garden here so that all who need it can benefit from its embrace. There is much work to do!

‘Come forth into the light of things,

Let Nature be your teacher.’

William Wordsworth



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